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BM350 XMDN US Real đã tạo sẵn 1 TKQC (có kèm file document, full via gốc) - BM350 business VERIFIED Documents (Country US- have not create ads account - include document file - full original account)


Ads account limit (after create): 50$ - Can break to 250$ after spending more money
Verified: Documents
Country: US

Ads account limit (after create): 50$ - Can break to 250$ after spending more money
Verified: Documents (contact admin)
Country: US

Bảo hành tích 7 ngày - Warranty verify green tick in 7 days

Nên share link nhân viên, nâng quyền quản trị viên sau khi nhận để tránh die BM - Should share as employee permission then update to admin permission after receive to avoid die BM
 Bao ngâm die (Không bảo hành chạy qc, không bao hành add thẻ hold/ die) - Warranty die BM without run ads/add card hold or die
 Thời gian bảo hành 24h kể từ lúc mua hàng - 24h warranty from purchased time

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